the discipline engine . . .



the discipline engine has just released their second e.p. entitled History.  it is a 6 song emotional powerhouse.  the two songs that will be featured on are "for all my friends in san bernardino county on drugs," an anthem for those of us who have friends that have left them for drugs, and "give it a name" a passion filled tale about a birth.  it is available now in local record stores.

in much more exciting news the discipline engine took 1st place at the showcase showdown which they played friday at The Showcase Theatre in corona.  they would like to generously thank all of their fans who came out and sang along during the show.  the third round round is yet to be announce yet sure to be a blast.

the discipline engine will be recording their third e.p. sometime in september.  expected to come out before the third round of battle of the bands, it will join the other two e.p.s, the deep and hisory, in the d.e. showdown series, which will be available after the third round of the showdown.


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